Exploring the Environmental Fluctuations and Socio-Ecological Change in Lake Titicaca

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The Lake Titicaca basin was a primary center for primary state formation manifested in the development of the Tiwanaku civilization. To better understand the socio-ecological dynamics that generated the conditions for the emergence of complex social formations such as the Tiwanaku state it is important to study not only terrestrial sites but also the underwater archaeological and paleoenvironmental records. This is particularly important in Lake Titicaca because not only was the lake itself a ritually significant place but also because we know its water level has fluctuated considerably over time. Our team has been involved in the study of the rich underwater heritage beneath Lake Titicaca, which is helping to rewrite the history of the region by contributing previously unavailable subaquatic datasets.


  1. Dr. Christophe Delaere, Free University of Brussels
Lake Titicaca